Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1st 2013

January 1st 2013

This is the start of a new blank page in a 365 page book. My 2012 was all full of drama, heartbreaks, lies & deceit . The things I've been through all in one year is just completely awful. And I really do wish I could forget it all & live my life happy, free and prosperous. All people that have hurt me,used me, disrespected me and lied to me. You all are now dead to me. 2012 is the past. And it's time for new things & people in my life. 
I will try my best to blog everyday about my daily experiences. And hopefully never to mention any of my 2012 experiences lol because this is 2013 something new. 
2013 is the first year since 1987 to have 4 different letters. 


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