Saturday, March 19, 2011

Long Time No Hear

So I know I haven’t blogged in like forever but wow so much happened. I was in the paper in my country about fashion. I had a whole page. I was just so shocked, I mean I know I was going to be in the paper but not a whole page. I was an amazing experience, I wonder if people would actually take my advice on fashion. I’m still a little bit shocked about it all.

My modeling really is getting off to a good start so far, i have a photo shoot to do tomorrow another one sometime this month, then i have a casting to call to go to in 3 weeks, *whew* busy busy busy, I'm going to be. But i really am loving all of this, keeps me busy no time for boys which is great. If you want something in life u strive for it rite at your best. Well that's what I'm definitely doing. Also i have been studying hard, have my exams coming up soon.

I'm going to have a whole new look, I'm bleaching my hair and dying it red and deep blue ! I really do hope this comes out how i expect it to, if not I'm going to sue the hairdresser hahaha !!! just kidding, we will have to just wait and see, if it doesn't come out as planned I'll still rock it like its the bomb !! Well I'll keep you guys posted on my shoot tomorrow ! 

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