Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1st 2013

January 1st 2013

This is the start of a new blank page in a 365 page book. My 2012 was all full of drama, heartbreaks, lies & deceit . The things I've been through all in one year is just completely awful. And I really do wish I could forget it all & live my life happy, free and prosperous. All people that have hurt me,used me, disrespected me and lied to me. You all are now dead to me. 2012 is the past. And it's time for new things & people in my life. 
I will try my best to blog everyday about my daily experiences. And hopefully never to mention any of my 2012 experiences lol because this is 2013 something new. 
2013 is the first year since 1987 to have 4 different letters. 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Long Time No Hear

So I know I haven’t blogged in like forever but wow so much happened. I was in the paper in my country about fashion. I had a whole page. I was just so shocked, I mean I know I was going to be in the paper but not a whole page. I was an amazing experience, I wonder if people would actually take my advice on fashion. I’m still a little bit shocked about it all.

My modeling really is getting off to a good start so far, i have a photo shoot to do tomorrow another one sometime this month, then i have a casting to call to go to in 3 weeks, *whew* busy busy busy, I'm going to be. But i really am loving all of this, keeps me busy no time for boys which is great. If you want something in life u strive for it rite at your best. Well that's what I'm definitely doing. Also i have been studying hard, have my exams coming up soon.

I'm going to have a whole new look, I'm bleaching my hair and dying it red and deep blue ! I really do hope this comes out how i expect it to, if not I'm going to sue the hairdresser hahaha !!! just kidding, we will have to just wait and see, if it doesn't come out as planned I'll still rock it like its the bomb !! Well I'll keep you guys posted on my shoot tomorrow ! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Boys & Lies

So realizing today that boys really are liars, well at least most of them. What people say really is true: “never judge a book by it’s’ cover”. Just looking at this one guy I never thought he would be liar or a cheater. He didn’t cheat on me but he sure did lie, told me he’s single and he likes me. Until I found out he has a girlfriend. What is the sense in lying when people eventually find out the truth, because when they find out the truth you think of another lie to cover that one you just told. Unless you admit the truth when you could’ve just said it in the first place. People say life is hard but I think people just make it hard. Life is a simple journey you make, but they can be cross roads and turns on the way. I don’t tell lies, never had a reason to because I’m just the sort of person who says what I have to if u don’t like it or not, not my problem because you asked the question. So really boys I would like to hear your opinion on this. Is it really necessary to lie and cheat, what do you gain out of this process? Well I think if you really do like a girl or not, tell the truth there’s never any harm in doing that. And if you really are a good liar eventually your lies will catch up with you, and you will have an reputation of being a liar because … come on boys you know girls talk, and if one girl found out you were lying she’s going to tell her friends then her friends will tell their friends and everyone will know about you, then eventually you won’t get any more girls. And I do believe they are some good guys out there, it’s just the friends that they hang around with. Some boys really are the cute soft ones who hate the bad dudes for ruining a girl’s perspective of boys. But then most girls like the bad dudes who like to give trouble and carry a load. I won’t lie I like those types of dudes too, but then to realize they are the worst ones to like. All of them lie and wants every girl they can lay their eyes on. But girls we don’t need those types of boys, some of you girls think you can change them, but as the old folks say “a leopard can’t change its spots” and it is a very true phrase.  You can’t change the bad boys it’s only a waste of time thinking you can. The bad boys always lead to heartbreak, and you girls don’t need that. Go for the nice guys and always get to know them for a while first before you get into anything too serious. And you can always tell the guys who like you for you from the others who are just stringing you. If he wants to be with you alone all the time, he doesn’t care about you. If he doesn’t want to go out with you in the day time or meet your friends, girls forget about him. If he doesn’t make plans with you to go anywhere but last minute calls you to go out, nope girls don’t fall for that, he’s keeping his options open and you’re last minute decision. Also if acts as if he’s not interested in sex just to hang out, it depends it could be that he’s just pretending so you will think that he is interested in you, when he really isn’t. Girls you just have to read through boys smartly and it will come naturally.
        Thank you for reading my opinion on boys & lies and feel free to leave your comments and ideas.                 
                                                        Bisou (kisses) Kadie

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well today was a really boring day I had. Nothing new just people talking about my photo shoot, I guess I did great. I know I'm a bit late on Christmas wishes, but I hope u guys had an awesome Christmas and u got the gifts u wanted.

But as we all know Old Years night is coming up, I'm hoping to get my dress and shoes otherwise I'll be at home for Old Years (which is not cool). But if I do get my stuff you guys would know for sure. I also have to think of something to do with my make-up. There is this really awesome brand in Barbados called Amuse, I love that eyeshadow and mascara. Check it out below on me. 

That was me in Amuse eyeshadow that I did myself and mascara. The lip gloss is by Ruby Kiss and my face powder is by Sascha.
Hope u guys like it, I'm actually thinking about doing a make-up course sometime soon.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Ok, this is my first ever blog !!!! I just want to say hi to all you people out there, most of my blogs will be about modeling, make-up and photography. I just did my first photo shoot on monday and it turned out great.