Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Well today was a really boring day I had. Nothing new just people talking about my photo shoot, I guess I did great. I know I'm a bit late on Christmas wishes, but I hope u guys had an awesome Christmas and u got the gifts u wanted.

But as we all know Old Years night is coming up, I'm hoping to get my dress and shoes otherwise I'll be at home for Old Years (which is not cool). But if I do get my stuff you guys would know for sure. I also have to think of something to do with my make-up. There is this really awesome brand in Barbados called Amuse, I love that eyeshadow and mascara. Check it out below on me. 

That was me in Amuse eyeshadow that I did myself and mascara. The lip gloss is by Ruby Kiss and my face powder is by Sascha.
Hope u guys like it, I'm actually thinking about doing a make-up course sometime soon.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Ok, this is my first ever blog !!!! I just want to say hi to all you people out there, most of my blogs will be about modeling, make-up and photography. I just did my first photo shoot on monday and it turned out great.